
Joshua Harris
Commercial Projects



Battersea Power StationUK | Full-time employment

Alongside the creative director of Barrows Global (UK), designed Boots’ flagship store at Battersea Power Station London. We created a new brand identity and oversaw its implementation which also set a framework for future projects.

© Barrows Global, Joshua Harris 2023

Planet Organic

Henley on the Thames UK | Full-time employment

As one of three product designers working with Barrows Global,  worked on the redesign of Planet Organic’s store guide and aesthetic. Our primary focus was to provide framework for future projects as well as showcase these new updates in the latest Henley store

I worked end to end from the design of brand guide through to the CAD modelling and rendering of the proposed site prior to construction.

Find out more |

© Barrows Global, Joshua Harris 2022/23


United Kingdom | Full time / Freelance

In a freelance capacity, collaberating with Barrows Global, designed and visualised an array of digital connected store displays. I also produced contextual visuals and executed schematics in preparation for manufacture.

Find out more |

© Barrows Global, Joshua Harris 2021/22/23

Holland & Barret

United Kingdom | Full time / Freelance

As one of three product designers at Barrows Global,  played a key role in redesigning H&B's store guide and aesthetic. Our focus was on creating a versatile framework for modifications across  250+ stores at varying scales.

Find out more |

© Barrows Global, Joshua Harris 2022

Bocuse D’or

Designed elements for team New Zealand’s entry to the Bocuse D’or 2021 International Culinery Championships. Elements include: food presentation plater sculpture, meal boxes & garnish plynths

© Joshua Harris, 2021


Durban SA | Full-time employment

As one of three product designers working with Barrows Global, worked together to design scalable design solutions for a brand activation

© Barrows Global, Joshua Harris 2022

Mons Royale

Wanaka NZ | Freelance

CAD modelling and rendering new display furniture for in store retail use.

© MonsRoyale, Joshua Harris, 2021

Victoria University Of Wellington

Wellington NZ | Full time employment

Working in collaboration with Scion and National Science Challenge to research and develop bio-polymers for  functional, real-world applications through 4D Printing. The 4th dimension of 3d printing being the activation of these materials unique properties through environmental changes or external stimuli.

© VUW,  Joshua Harris, 2021


Wanaka NZ | Freelance

With Revology worked on the design for a bicycle based on principles of circular life- and bio-economies.

© Revology,  Joshua Harris 2021

Monkey Shoulder

London UK | Freelance

Working alongside a small team at Barrows Global, designing flat pack promotional displays for manufacuture.

© Barrows Global, Joshua Harris 2022/23


Leicester + Coventry | Freelance

Along with two of Barrows Global’s inhouse product designers worked to re-design the framework for Scs’s brand guide. The process ranged from the contemporary proposal of brand identity /  aesthetic, through to the design and specific implementation across two stores in the UK. 

© Barrows Global, Joshua Harris, 2022/23

Personal Projects

All over the world

An array of my personal projects can  be found here:

|  Personal Projects |

© Joshua Harris