Joshua Harris
Personal Projects



James Dyson Awards 2020 runner up

A team project aimed at helping users monitor and cope with anxiety and stress. The device monitors the user’s heart rate, alerting them to precursors of anxiety and high levels of stress. This awareness encourages practise breathing and mindful exercises... before emotions become overwhelming.

© Joshua Harris, Amelia Best, Izzy Robb, Francesca Coggan 2020


A  stool made from recycled plastic. A humorous yet practical piece of furniture to centrepiece any modern home. Utilising CNC technology we scan the  owner’s head then customise the ultimate personalised chair.

© Joshua Harris, 2020


A contemporary design stack and hold tool.

© Joshua Harris, 2019


Instead of conventional vinyl records this player uses  3D printed,  ingrained lines on the interchangeable section of a cylindrical drum. The sound is amplified through the turntable. 

© Joshua Harris, 2020


An abstract concept representing cutlery for your finger.

© Joshua Harris, 2020